so i'm walking through the dorm, enjoying the comfort of my thrift store sweater when a student, probably no more than 19, says "my friend had that sweater. she wore it from 8th grade aaaaall the way to 12th." she said it with such pride in her memory. i heard it and felt the need to throw the sweater away even though 8th grade could have just been 5 years ago for this girl. why do i want a 5-yr-old sweater? forget the fact that it's comfortable and warm and bright and happy!!
thanks chick! now i feel really old and outdated, behind the fashion times...i might as well be wrinkly, rocking elastic waist band pants with big ugly comfort shoes from stride rite.
okay, enough melodrama...
this is why i usually buy boring clothes that have a "classic" look.
okay, back to work!
Monday, December 11
Sunday, December 10
for friends
i'm finding myself quite thankful for friends. whether it's a phone message or an email, they're often used by God in the simplest of ways to bless my life. and after i receive the blessing, i can do nothing else but turn to God in praise.
these are the sorts of things that make life possible.
and so i continue to breathe...hoping to be a blessing in return.
these are the sorts of things that make life possible.
and so i continue to breathe...hoping to be a blessing in return.
Friday, December 8
with children
and a house...preferably with a lot of land
and a dog outside
and a reliable car
working just enough
spending quality time with the fam
and nowthati'mgrownup
i'm somewhere on my way to some of that
but what matters most
what i consider paramount
is that i'm wherever
doing whatever
with whomever
loving God
i was thinking about age earlier today, about how i'll be 28 in a few months, about how i'm not ready to say that number, about how different life is now from just last year this time, about how i love snow, about how i get to go home next week, about how i should really get to bed earlier on the weekends
with children
and a house...preferably with a lot of land
and a dog outside
and a reliable car
working just enough
spending quality time with the fam
and nowthati'mgrownup
i'm somewhere on my way to some of that
but what matters most
what i consider paramount
is that i'm wherever
doing whatever
with whomever
loving God
i was thinking about age earlier today, about how i'll be 28 in a few months, about how i'm not ready to say that number, about how different life is now from just last year this time, about how i love snow, about how i get to go home next week, about how i should really get to bed earlier on the weekends
Thursday, December 7
the same God
today God told me something really important. He said that i've seen Him in action this week as the God who gives peace and focus when papers are due and i'm lacking sleep. and then He said He's the same God at the beginning and middle of the semester. why am i waiting until now to plead for extra strength when i could have had it 2 months ago? well, i didn't want it 2 months ago. i mean, i wanted His energy boost and mind clarifying power but i wasn't so desperate for it.
i need to always be desperate...not on a panic level...
it's like the song:
and i, i'm desperate for You
and i, i'm lost without You
that sort of longing shouldn't be 3 months in the making...
i got to sing jazzy christmas songs tonight at an assisted living facility. it was beautiful, a very good way to begin the wrap up of a very long week why am i waiting until now to plead for extra strength when i could have had it 2 months ago? well, i didn't want it 2 months ago. i mean, i wanted His energy boost and mind clarifying power but i wasn't so desperate for it.
i need to always be desperate...not on a panic level...
it's like the song:
and i, i'm desperate for You
and i, i'm lost without You
that sort of longing shouldn't be 3 months in the making...
i got to sing jazzy christmas songs tonight at an assisted living facility. it was beautiful, a very good way to begin the wrap up of a very long week
when i get stressed i desire to rearrange, clean, go shopping...anything but what i'm supposed to be doing. but today has been productive...why that word? why must i be PRODUCTIVE?
anyway, today has been filled with the desire to get my word study paper complete for tomorrow (which is actually today coz dec 6th is now quite over) i need at least 6 pages and i know the only way i'll get it done is by holding on to God.
in this scenario, holding onto God means asking Him for direction every step of the way. it means listening to and obeying the still small voice that says "it would be good to make photocopies of those resources right now, since the library will soon close, instead of trying to type a million words in the next 30 minutes." the voice also says "don't stay up. get some sleep and i'll wake you when it's time."
that's how the impossibilities of my life all have to be worked out--holding onto God. but i'm so quick to forget. 5 months from now i may be stressed out again, wondering how in the world i'll get everything done.
grace takes my impossibilities, crumples them up and tosses them gently into the nearest trash can. then grace calms me down and helps me focus, surrounds me with encouraging people, brings lovely songs to mind...and the task is completed.
now, i don't know that it'll be perfect but that doesn't worry me.
anyway, today has been filled with the desire to get my word study paper complete for tomorrow (which is actually today coz dec 6th is now quite over) i need at least 6 pages and i know the only way i'll get it done is by holding on to God.
in this scenario, holding onto God means asking Him for direction every step of the way. it means listening to and obeying the still small voice that says "it would be good to make photocopies of those resources right now, since the library will soon close, instead of trying to type a million words in the next 30 minutes." the voice also says "don't stay up. get some sleep and i'll wake you when it's time."
that's how the impossibilities of my life all have to be worked out--holding onto God. but i'm so quick to forget. 5 months from now i may be stressed out again, wondering how in the world i'll get everything done.
grace takes my impossibilities, crumples them up and tosses them gently into the nearest trash can. then grace calms me down and helps me focus, surrounds me with encouraging people, brings lovely songs to mind...and the task is completed.
now, i don't know that it'll be perfect but that doesn't worry me.
Wednesday, December 6
come to me
God uses whatever's in your head to talk to you. while He may sometimes toss in brand new concepts to get your attention, He often makes timely use of the familiar.
take the other day for example when i needed reassurance from God right away. all of a sudden i was singing "you're all i need to get by--y--y"
and then just now when bobbie mcferrin's lovely tune "come to me" started turning in my head, i knew God was speaking.
When I'm feeling anxious in my head
He tell me to come to Him instead
Come to Him when weary
Come to Him when low
He will lift this burden, this I know
Take my yoke upon you learn from me
Take my yoke upon you and you'll see
Come to me I'll strengthen
Come to me I'll help
Come to me I'll still anxiety
So when I find that I have gone astray
I can go to Him and he won't send me away
Come to me I'll strengthen
Come to me I'll help
Come to me and listen what I say
Come, come, come to me
the song came to mind before the bible verse...perhaps that's problematic on some level but for now i'm just thankful God does whatever He can to get through to me.
take the other day for example when i needed reassurance from God right away. all of a sudden i was singing "you're all i need to get by--y--y"
and then just now when bobbie mcferrin's lovely tune "come to me" started turning in my head, i knew God was speaking.
When I'm feeling anxious in my head
He tell me to come to Him instead
Come to Him when weary
Come to Him when low
He will lift this burden, this I know
Take my yoke upon you learn from me
Take my yoke upon you and you'll see
Come to me I'll strengthen
Come to me I'll help
Come to me I'll still anxiety
So when I find that I have gone astray
I can go to Him and he won't send me away
Come to me I'll strengthen
Come to me I'll help
Come to me and listen what I say
Come, come, come to me
the song came to mind before the bible verse...perhaps that's problematic on some level but for now i'm just thankful God does whatever He can to get through to me.
Monday, December 4
totally forgot december 1 was AIDS awareness day. i even read a story about AIDS to a room of highschoolers and still it didn't all click. but better late than never right? (well, sometimes)
so here's what i read:
I do my best not to make eye contact. If you make eye contact, they talk to you. “They” includes homeless people, beggars, poor folk selling Streetwise magazines on busy Chicago sidewalks. With my head down, I turn the corner.
“Hello sir. I just want to talk to you for a moment.”
Man! He’s talking to me. I stop and listen.
“Oh, hi ma’am. No trouble. Oh, you’re a young lady; excuse me. I’d like to get your signature for the AIDS walk tomorrow. You can sign right here. I have AIDS.” He offers his hand. He’s really anxious and he looks so…so…I don’t know that there’s a word. I’d have to describe every detail. But I can’t remember every detail. It’s just that so much is wrong with him, so much is not 100%.
WOW. And I’m shaking your hand. I say nothing…he continues to make conversation.
“I’m blind in my left eye.”
I’m partially blind in my left eye, I say to myself.
“You are a young lady, right?”
“You can just sign right here.” He’s really eager to get my signature. So many thoughts are racing through my head. I’m confused.
“But I don’t understand. Why do you need me to sign this?”
“It’s in support of the AIDS walk.”
It finally clicks. “Oh. I need to give a donation.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t have any money to give.” I’ve conditioned myself to say it.
“I’ll take a penny. I’ll say thank you for a penny.”
“I’m so sorry. I really don’t have any money to give.”
“That’s all right. Have a good day now.”
And we part ways. He hurries on down the road to collect more signatures, more money. I carry on around the corner, homeward bound with a hand that has just shaken death. And for a moment I think of how much more peaceful it may be to know the cause of your pending death, how much better it may be to know the cause of your weak body, how I’d like answers to my condition. I think, momentarily, that I won’t wash my hand for a while in order to retain the memory of my conclusion.
I know I shouldn’t compare my plight with his but it’s hard not to. He has answers. I don’t. And, for a moment, that’s what makes my blindness so unfair.
totally forgot december 1 was AIDS awareness day. i even read a story about AIDS to a room of highschoolers and still it didn't all click. but better late than never right? (well, sometimes)
so here's what i read:
I do my best not to make eye contact. If you make eye contact, they talk to you. “They” includes homeless people, beggars, poor folk selling Streetwise magazines on busy Chicago sidewalks. With my head down, I turn the corner.
“Hello sir. I just want to talk to you for a moment.”
Man! He’s talking to me. I stop and listen.
“Oh, hi ma’am. No trouble. Oh, you’re a young lady; excuse me. I’d like to get your signature for the AIDS walk tomorrow. You can sign right here. I have AIDS.” He offers his hand. He’s really anxious and he looks so…so…I don’t know that there’s a word. I’d have to describe every detail. But I can’t remember every detail. It’s just that so much is wrong with him, so much is not 100%.
WOW. And I’m shaking your hand. I say nothing…he continues to make conversation.
“I’m blind in my left eye.”
I’m partially blind in my left eye, I say to myself.
“You are a young lady, right?”
“You can just sign right here.” He’s really eager to get my signature. So many thoughts are racing through my head. I’m confused.
“But I don’t understand. Why do you need me to sign this?”
“It’s in support of the AIDS walk.”
It finally clicks. “Oh. I need to give a donation.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t have any money to give.” I’ve conditioned myself to say it.
“I’ll take a penny. I’ll say thank you for a penny.”
“I’m so sorry. I really don’t have any money to give.”
“That’s all right. Have a good day now.”
And we part ways. He hurries on down the road to collect more signatures, more money. I carry on around the corner, homeward bound with a hand that has just shaken death. And for a moment I think of how much more peaceful it may be to know the cause of your pending death, how much better it may be to know the cause of your weak body, how I’d like answers to my condition. I think, momentarily, that I won’t wash my hand for a while in order to retain the memory of my conclusion.
I know I shouldn’t compare my plight with his but it’s hard not to. He has answers. I don’t. And, for a moment, that’s what makes my blindness so unfair.
Sunday, October 22
the summer
sometimes you need to just smile or pose or whatever in front of a camera. and then you have to review the madness and smile, laugh, say "what was i thinking?" and then post them so the www can see : )
me and tricia @ campmeeting -- she's such a blessing...
with lola, one of my classmates--an incredible vocalist! so smooth and honest in her sound...
Wednesday, October 11
surrender...random (very random) thoughts
talked with a friend about what sabbath observance is all about
talked to another friend about how our concept of time factors into sabbath observance
got a better perspective to approach first friend with regarding the sabbath
read a chapter for spiritual formation class about surrender and got frustrated...
who am i to tell you how to use your time? who am i to judge your level of surrender? who am i when i haven't surrendered anything 100%?
well, ptl i'm searching right? and this is what the Spirit revealed today as i read for class, as i wondered how in the world i'm supposed to be juggling all of my responsibilities and do each one well:
1. i do what i can, believing that God will do the rest. i do what i can to the best of my ability, resting in the knowledge that God will do the rest. i want an "A" in ever class particularly so that if i apply to any phd program, my grades won't be a hindrance...if i'm supposed to apply to any phd program and i'm doing my best with God's help then He'll help me get the grades i need....
2. i stop running because running is a sign that i'm trying to do things solo and realize that it won't work. i must trust others. no man is an island...
3. (there's more to learn even today, i'm sure)
talked to another friend about how our concept of time factors into sabbath observance
got a better perspective to approach first friend with regarding the sabbath
read a chapter for spiritual formation class about surrender and got frustrated...
who am i to tell you how to use your time? who am i to judge your level of surrender? who am i when i haven't surrendered anything 100%?
well, ptl i'm searching right? and this is what the Spirit revealed today as i read for class, as i wondered how in the world i'm supposed to be juggling all of my responsibilities and do each one well:
1. i do what i can, believing that God will do the rest. i do what i can to the best of my ability, resting in the knowledge that God will do the rest. i want an "A" in ever class particularly so that if i apply to any phd program, my grades won't be a hindrance...if i'm supposed to apply to any phd program and i'm doing my best with God's help then He'll help me get the grades i need....
2. i stop running because running is a sign that i'm trying to do things solo and realize that it won't work. i must trust others. no man is an island...
3. (there's more to learn even today, i'm sure)
Thursday, September 21
i tried loving you
no, this is not a human love me. it's me talking to God after recognizing His guidance
i tried loving you
hid the sunshine, packed the tears
dusted off a million fears
wondered why i couldn't hear
i tried loving you
searched my heart in different lands
held the bible in my hand
took a fall but not a stand
i tried loving you
kissed goodbye the common place
kept a smile upon my face
trained for every single race
but failed loving you
finally gave up my time
took your hand and cut off mine
gave away another dime
still failed loving you
prayed for wind and rain to cease
cooked up picture perfect peace
dreamt of permanent relief
then stopped loving you
you don't need a gourmet meal
served atop a packaged deal
reciped by how i feel
i stopped loving you
giving thought only to light
wishing not for my own sight
living for that first-class flight
and now
i think
i'm loving you
i tried loving you
hid the sunshine, packed the tears
dusted off a million fears
wondered why i couldn't hear
i tried loving you
searched my heart in different lands
held the bible in my hand
took a fall but not a stand
i tried loving you
kissed goodbye the common place
kept a smile upon my face
trained for every single race
but failed loving you
finally gave up my time
took your hand and cut off mine
gave away another dime
still failed loving you
prayed for wind and rain to cease
cooked up picture perfect peace
dreamt of permanent relief
then stopped loving you
you don't need a gourmet meal
served atop a packaged deal
reciped by how i feel
i stopped loving you
giving thought only to light
wishing not for my own sight
living for that first-class flight
and now
i think
i'm loving you
Monday, August 21
i really love life right now
i don't have time (never do) to explain why i love life right now but i just want ya'll to know that i do. i could spend hours counting God's blessings...i really like knowing that.
Tuesday, August 15
vacation days ended on friday :( but i'm sooooooo thankful i was able to have them! now we're in day 2 of a retreat for all the Deans, RAs, and DAs in our dorm. it has been quite challenging. had i remembered what it was like 7 years ago, i probably wouldn't have applied this time around.
yesterday we did a team building activity with they men's team. sailing. we drove to chicago (didn't realize i missed it until we drove around in it...sniff sniff) and boarded small sail boats. then headed out (after some instruction) onto lake michigan. i thought it would be a more rigorous experience. perhaps it was for others. but not so much for me. i think i would have prefered the ropes course. but anyway, i was reminded of a very valuable lesson: you don't know how hard it is to lead until you have to do it. the first person in charge of stearing the boat received a whole lot of commands from our instructor. "no, pull the rudder to away...not so much, not so much!......" i sat there taking care of the jib and wondering why she was having such a hard time. our instructor finally asked if any of us others would like to try stearing. i volunteered...and then i learned. it's no so simple. aside from the fact that stearing a boat is counterintuitive, i still don't understand what it means to go "down" wind vs "up" etc...i needed a longer lesson with a chalkboard and diagrams.
anyway, the object of the exercise was to go around certain markers in the water and be the first back to the starting line. we did alright. i think we were the 3rd boat on the first round out of 10 boats. but i wanted more. i wanted a greater challenge. if we hadn't had our instructor, or if he'd stop giving instructions, the challenge would have been much greater.
but i was reminded not to judge so prematurely and also to share the leadership experience...some time after, i gave the steering job over to another team only regret is that i didn't give it over sooner so that the 4 member could have had a chance. we all need to be in the hot seat at least for 5 minutes and especially when surrounded by support.
anyway, aside from sailing, there have been other lessons. i'm learning more about how to be one of the "older" girls, how to model discipline and professionalism.
God is still good...
yesterday we did a team building activity with they men's team. sailing. we drove to chicago (didn't realize i missed it until we drove around in it...sniff sniff) and boarded small sail boats. then headed out (after some instruction) onto lake michigan. i thought it would be a more rigorous experience. perhaps it was for others. but not so much for me. i think i would have prefered the ropes course. but anyway, i was reminded of a very valuable lesson: you don't know how hard it is to lead until you have to do it. the first person in charge of stearing the boat received a whole lot of commands from our instructor. "no, pull the rudder to away...not so much, not so much!......" i sat there taking care of the jib and wondering why she was having such a hard time. our instructor finally asked if any of us others would like to try stearing. i volunteered...and then i learned. it's no so simple. aside from the fact that stearing a boat is counterintuitive, i still don't understand what it means to go "down" wind vs "up" etc...i needed a longer lesson with a chalkboard and diagrams.
anyway, the object of the exercise was to go around certain markers in the water and be the first back to the starting line. we did alright. i think we were the 3rd boat on the first round out of 10 boats. but i wanted more. i wanted a greater challenge. if we hadn't had our instructor, or if he'd stop giving instructions, the challenge would have been much greater.
but i was reminded not to judge so prematurely and also to share the leadership experience...some time after, i gave the steering job over to another team only regret is that i didn't give it over sooner so that the 4 member could have had a chance. we all need to be in the hot seat at least for 5 minutes and especially when surrounded by support.
anyway, aside from sailing, there have been other lessons. i'm learning more about how to be one of the "older" girls, how to model discipline and professionalism.
God is still good...
Monday, August 7
vacation day 1
first day of vacation doesn't seem like vacation...didn't get up early's all about the crack of dawn baby! this'll be all over too soon...
oh what a tangled web we weave
when all we want is to acheive
first comes love
then come marriage
then comes the...
okay, laundry awaits :)
oh what a tangled web we weave
when all we want is to acheive
first comes love
then come marriage
then comes the...
okay, laundry awaits :)
Sunday, July 30
don't want to sleep
(wish i had a laptop...soon.)
i'm feeling a bit restless but awefully tired and yet happy all at once. despite the last post, i'm a happy woman. so i'd rather stay awake and contemplate my happiness.
i'm in the office that i share with 3 others. my plants are here b/c my place is too cold at the moment (carpets drying). and these suckers are just florishing. my word! maybe one will have to take up residence here permanently. or maybe i'll just cut off a piece in a few days, repot it and leave it. a plant will certainly do this space good. am i my mother's child or what? ha
i'm also happy about other things like friends calling and having good convo and remembering past escapades and looking forward to future gatherings.
amidst all the craziness of life, i'm loving it i don't want to sleep, just want to ponder...
i'm feeling a bit restless but awefully tired and yet happy all at once. despite the last post, i'm a happy woman. so i'd rather stay awake and contemplate my happiness.
i'm in the office that i share with 3 others. my plants are here b/c my place is too cold at the moment (carpets drying). and these suckers are just florishing. my word! maybe one will have to take up residence here permanently. or maybe i'll just cut off a piece in a few days, repot it and leave it. a plant will certainly do this space good. am i my mother's child or what? ha
i'm also happy about other things like friends calling and having good convo and remembering past escapades and looking forward to future gatherings.
amidst all the craziness of life, i'm loving it i don't want to sleep, just want to ponder...
keeping it real
how does that go exactly? how do i maintain honesty when folks don't want to hear it and when i'm not even always open to the option? and how do i stay positive as i council others?
girl, they aren't all bad. trust me, there's hope, there's one for you.
sure, it's truth and i'm not anywhere close to man-hating but so many women are and it's hard to help them see hope when the list of "not there yets" grows longer and longer with every passing week.
i think this is my first "what's the problem with men" sort of post and i don't plan to make it a habit. guess i'm just frustrated...and not just with the men but also with the women. i want to tell some of them some stuff they aren't ready to hear.
get yourself in order. recognize your unhealthy cycle and get help. and for crying out loud get that "i'm desperate" sign off your face!
okay, i should probably go back to bed. i was comfortably there when the phone rang and...yeah, i got up, etc.
just wish more folks had the relationship peace i've got. can't we all just be? guess i've got just enough good men in my life--from dad to brother to uncles to friends--and for that i praise the Lord!
girl, they aren't all bad. trust me, there's hope, there's one for you.
sure, it's truth and i'm not anywhere close to man-hating but so many women are and it's hard to help them see hope when the list of "not there yets" grows longer and longer with every passing week.
i think this is my first "what's the problem with men" sort of post and i don't plan to make it a habit. guess i'm just frustrated...and not just with the men but also with the women. i want to tell some of them some stuff they aren't ready to hear.
get yourself in order. recognize your unhealthy cycle and get help. and for crying out loud get that "i'm desperate" sign off your face!
okay, i should probably go back to bed. i was comfortably there when the phone rang and...yeah, i got up, etc.
just wish more folks had the relationship peace i've got. can't we all just be? guess i've got just enough good men in my life--from dad to brother to uncles to friends--and for that i praise the Lord!
Friday, July 7
from the heart
though i fear verbal diarrhea in this moment, it's about time i's been so long...feels like months and months but it's only been weeks.
let's start with blessing:
1. i'm still happy to be here. my advisor keeps asking me if i'm still happy with my decision to's part of his way of checking up on me, making sure i'm doing alright. we met yesterday to arrange my schedule for the fall semester. it's nice to have people who know your parents and can talk about when your parents weren't your parents...the dating fazes...lovely!
2. my apartment finally looks as though someone actually likes living there. most of the boxes have been put in proper places. the bright curtains add such life that the boxes sort of overshadowed.
3. i'm developing a ministry here in the's part of my DA job and i'm's a part of my job that i'll really enjoy. i've already spoken to one resident who i want to get on board because of her charisma and to help nurture that charisma. i'm now responsible (by a certain age/maturity level we all develop a responsibility we cannot afford to shun) for guiding those younger than me whenever possible. i'm humbled by the task and also excited to see how God will work through me. this is "together" lamson hall style...
4. i was asked to sing for a program tonight. i had a really "blah" kind of day, the sort that doesn't go according to plan, not because of any major interactions but simply because i'm absolutely mentally exhausted. i had a plan, a really great plan. and i actually got some major things accomplished. as i look back on the day, i'm quite surprised and grateful to see how much God helped me do. but i wish i'd taken the planned nap...that was crucial. but back to the music...i didn't feel very prepared to sing. i hadn't spent the sort of time i'm used to spending right before a performance. i prayed for help and i sang from my heart. that's what you have to do whenever you do anything to glorify God. if it's not guided by God and from the heart, someone won't hear what he/she is supposed to hear.
5. i get to go to bed now : )
let's start with blessing:
1. i'm still happy to be here. my advisor keeps asking me if i'm still happy with my decision to's part of his way of checking up on me, making sure i'm doing alright. we met yesterday to arrange my schedule for the fall semester. it's nice to have people who know your parents and can talk about when your parents weren't your parents...the dating fazes...lovely!
2. my apartment finally looks as though someone actually likes living there. most of the boxes have been put in proper places. the bright curtains add such life that the boxes sort of overshadowed.
3. i'm developing a ministry here in the's part of my DA job and i'm's a part of my job that i'll really enjoy. i've already spoken to one resident who i want to get on board because of her charisma and to help nurture that charisma. i'm now responsible (by a certain age/maturity level we all develop a responsibility we cannot afford to shun) for guiding those younger than me whenever possible. i'm humbled by the task and also excited to see how God will work through me. this is "together" lamson hall style...
4. i was asked to sing for a program tonight. i had a really "blah" kind of day, the sort that doesn't go according to plan, not because of any major interactions but simply because i'm absolutely mentally exhausted. i had a plan, a really great plan. and i actually got some major things accomplished. as i look back on the day, i'm quite surprised and grateful to see how much God helped me do. but i wish i'd taken the planned nap...that was crucial. but back to the music...i didn't feel very prepared to sing. i hadn't spent the sort of time i'm used to spending right before a performance. i prayed for help and i sang from my heart. that's what you have to do whenever you do anything to glorify God. if it's not guided by God and from the heart, someone won't hear what he/she is supposed to hear.
5. i get to go to bed now : )
Friday, June 2
tomorrow morning will be spent sleeping for ALAP...that's "As Long As Possible."
i'm so tired. and my body really hates me for being so mean to it.
how dare you go to bed at 11 and wake up at 3 one day then go to bed at 11 and wake up at 4 another day then go to bed at midnight and wake up at 6 another day? and all those naps...why the teaser?
i'm sorry dear body of mine. i going to try and change things, i promise.
alright folks. thanks for being part of my self-body confessional let's talk about something fun and!
yes, i'm a nerd. for those of you who don't know, hermeneutics basically means the method of interpretation. so when applied to the bible, your hermeneutic is what enables you to grasp craziness such as how hebrews lists samson among the great exemplars of faith. i mean, it's not that hard to grasp. his final prayer before his suicide was a prayer of faith. but the implications of being called faithful are what complicate everything. so we have to set up a solid interpretive framework. we have to wrestle with the texts using a wholistic and intertextual approach.
i'm actually doing a research paper on this that's why it's in my head. it's called "paul's faithful samson: the need for a wholistic and intertextual hermeneutic"....yeah, subtitle and all! that's what it's about baby!
but anyway, it's sabbath and i should allow my mind to rest from the scholastic life. praise the Lord for 24 hours of intentional low/no stress. praise the Lord!
in other news, this place is so green it's out of control! green grass, green trees...soooo many trees. can somebody cut them down so we can see the sky please? am i asking too much? yes...i know. this isn't alberta. i'll get over it...perhaps. but oh, the campus smells so good. i'm not sure what it is...lilacs? i'm not good with flowers/plants. i just know that i often step out of a building, breath in, and smile deeply.
and i also smile deeply when i think of people i miss and places i miss (not that i'm happy to miss know what i mean!) and i find great contentment in knowing i'm where i'm supposed to be at the time i'm supposed to be here. many people here talk about all the time they spent running away from what God wanted for them. i feel as if i've spent a lot of time running toward this. and now that i'm here, even though is tough and busy and i'm physically drained, i'm happy.
so hear my words and rest in the knowledge that this sabbath is right where you need to be.
till later,
i'm so tired. and my body really hates me for being so mean to it.
how dare you go to bed at 11 and wake up at 3 one day then go to bed at 11 and wake up at 4 another day then go to bed at midnight and wake up at 6 another day? and all those naps...why the teaser?
i'm sorry dear body of mine. i going to try and change things, i promise.
alright folks. thanks for being part of my self-body confessional let's talk about something fun and!
yes, i'm a nerd. for those of you who don't know, hermeneutics basically means the method of interpretation. so when applied to the bible, your hermeneutic is what enables you to grasp craziness such as how hebrews lists samson among the great exemplars of faith. i mean, it's not that hard to grasp. his final prayer before his suicide was a prayer of faith. but the implications of being called faithful are what complicate everything. so we have to set up a solid interpretive framework. we have to wrestle with the texts using a wholistic and intertextual approach.
i'm actually doing a research paper on this that's why it's in my head. it's called "paul's faithful samson: the need for a wholistic and intertextual hermeneutic"....yeah, subtitle and all! that's what it's about baby!
but anyway, it's sabbath and i should allow my mind to rest from the scholastic life. praise the Lord for 24 hours of intentional low/no stress. praise the Lord!
in other news, this place is so green it's out of control! green grass, green trees...soooo many trees. can somebody cut them down so we can see the sky please? am i asking too much? yes...i know. this isn't alberta. i'll get over it...perhaps. but oh, the campus smells so good. i'm not sure what it is...lilacs? i'm not good with flowers/plants. i just know that i often step out of a building, breath in, and smile deeply.
and i also smile deeply when i think of people i miss and places i miss (not that i'm happy to miss know what i mean!) and i find great contentment in knowing i'm where i'm supposed to be at the time i'm supposed to be here. many people here talk about all the time they spent running away from what God wanted for them. i feel as if i've spent a lot of time running toward this. and now that i'm here, even though is tough and busy and i'm physically drained, i'm happy.
so hear my words and rest in the knowledge that this sabbath is right where you need to be.
till later,
Friday, May 26
GBP (God Be Praised)
i got that one from my dad via msn messenger...go figure! the parents are more "im" savvy than the children. have mercy!!
well, GBP indeed coz life is good. let me tell you how.
i came back to school because i knew God wanted me to...i'm enjoying school and work...i don't know if i've ever been so excited about school.
however, though it's only been 2 weeks, i feel as though at least a month has passed because things have been a bit crazy. from going to bed late because of work to waking up early because i need to study, i haven't been getting the rest i need. i've been eating well and even exercising but the time i should be spending in lala land has been say the least.
to add to that, my prayer for finances wasn't answered the way i thought God would answer...the way i'd asked Him to answer. it honestly hasn't been a source of stress because i new that somehow or another, it would all work out. however, the last two days got the best of me. on wednesday, i started to hold on to what i call and "emotional itch" impatience got the best of me and i started to get demanding, telling God what He "needed" to do. and while i think it's fine and appropriate to be honest with God, i realize that my faith was quickly disappearing. yesterday morning i found comfort in the story of joseph, realizing that he was faithful to God in all things...and not simply because God's faithfulness was always easy to see.
so i began the day with about a tenth of a mustard seed of faith. by the afternoon, i got demanding again and my frustration grew. why the student loan mixups? why can't the road be easy just this once? why can't things work out according to what i thought was a very good plan?
then my wonderful parents, realizing my plight and not wanting me to be stressed out, jumped on board.
i'll get the student loan but just not in the time i'd prefer
i'll get financial clearance and be a legal employee here
i'll have peace of mind because, as usual, God provides for His children...often through their earthly parents....even when the children think they should be old enough to do things on their own...
well, GBP indeed coz life is good. let me tell you how.
i came back to school because i knew God wanted me to...i'm enjoying school and work...i don't know if i've ever been so excited about school.
however, though it's only been 2 weeks, i feel as though at least a month has passed because things have been a bit crazy. from going to bed late because of work to waking up early because i need to study, i haven't been getting the rest i need. i've been eating well and even exercising but the time i should be spending in lala land has been say the least.
to add to that, my prayer for finances wasn't answered the way i thought God would answer...the way i'd asked Him to answer. it honestly hasn't been a source of stress because i new that somehow or another, it would all work out. however, the last two days got the best of me. on wednesday, i started to hold on to what i call and "emotional itch" impatience got the best of me and i started to get demanding, telling God what He "needed" to do. and while i think it's fine and appropriate to be honest with God, i realize that my faith was quickly disappearing. yesterday morning i found comfort in the story of joseph, realizing that he was faithful to God in all things...and not simply because God's faithfulness was always easy to see.
so i began the day with about a tenth of a mustard seed of faith. by the afternoon, i got demanding again and my frustration grew. why the student loan mixups? why can't the road be easy just this once? why can't things work out according to what i thought was a very good plan?
then my wonderful parents, realizing my plight and not wanting me to be stressed out, jumped on board.
i'll get the student loan but just not in the time i'd prefer
i'll get financial clearance and be a legal employee here
i'll have peace of mind because, as usual, God provides for His children...often through their earthly parents....even when the children think they should be old enough to do things on their own...
Wednesday, May 17
quick update
i had a quiz in my church history class today. and i got 5 out of 5!
you may be asking "so what? that's 5 stinkin points...what's the big deal?"
listen, i came here to get an education and get it good. that means "A" grades. i's not a matter of salvation but the 5 not only represents the good grades i want but the fact that God has truly been blessing each step of the way. i haven't had as much time as i'd like to study simply because i'm tired and also have to work and cook and exercise and sleep. i was up at some horrible hour again today. i asked the Lord to wake me when He saw fit. as soon as i woke, i begged for more time...please Lord, just a few more minutes!! please!!! so He gave me a few more then woke me up again. by the time i actually got up, it was 4:30...yes, 4:30 AM!! i finished reading and studying for my daily quiz, unsure of just how much i'd retain, praying that i'd get everything right. God blessed! He helped me do my part--study--and He helped me recall (minor spelling errors not included)
the 3 i got yesterday will not do ever again! i'm shooting for the moon folks! the moon!! and God's right beside me reminding me that i'll be okay...even if i don't always get 8 hours : )
missing home but holding on....
you may be asking "so what? that's 5 stinkin points...what's the big deal?"
listen, i came here to get an education and get it good. that means "A" grades. i's not a matter of salvation but the 5 not only represents the good grades i want but the fact that God has truly been blessing each step of the way. i haven't had as much time as i'd like to study simply because i'm tired and also have to work and cook and exercise and sleep. i was up at some horrible hour again today. i asked the Lord to wake me when He saw fit. as soon as i woke, i begged for more time...please Lord, just a few more minutes!! please!!! so He gave me a few more then woke me up again. by the time i actually got up, it was 4:30...yes, 4:30 AM!! i finished reading and studying for my daily quiz, unsure of just how much i'd retain, praying that i'd get everything right. God blessed! He helped me do my part--study--and He helped me recall (minor spelling errors not included)
the 3 i got yesterday will not do ever again! i'm shooting for the moon folks! the moon!! and God's right beside me reminding me that i'll be okay...even if i don't always get 8 hours : )
missing home but holding on....
Monday, May 15
and it's go girls go!
this stuff ain't no joke! 2 classes and i'm worn out. haven't even read. began work today. now i'm off to sleep. i'll wake up early and read. it'll be quite the adventure. it's amazing to have so much to do and yet know it'll all get done!
one step at a time.... : )
i had a great chat with two girls today. one's in seminary. one's doing a religion BA. both were such great sources of encouragement. the Lord knew i needed that. this journey is already amazing, filled with good and bad. faith is key!!!!!!!!!!!!
till later...
one step at a time.... : )
i had a great chat with two girls today. one's in seminary. one's doing a religion BA. both were such great sources of encouragement. the Lord knew i needed that. this journey is already amazing, filled with good and bad. faith is key!!!!!!!!!!!!
till later...
Sunday, May 14
cemetery....i mean, seminary! hehe
the hours continue to fly. tomorrow i'll have my first two classes, one of which i've heard will kick my butt! but i'm fine with that. if it's tough but good, i'm up for it! i'm sure i'll have much to say on class toughness, student-teacher relations, student-student relations, etc. we had new seminary student orientation this morning. how dare they make us sit for 3 1/2 hours and not feed us! orange juice is not, NOT, food. they probably had food at the international student orientation but apparently that one is usually boring for anyone from north america.
anyway...the sun is finally out so i plan to do some rollerblading. it was my plan to do that as soon as i stepped on the campus thursday night. but it was raining and i was tired anyway. and it just keeps on raining. so i'm going to do some blading before the sky changes its mind.
it's very very green here. it almost (almost) makes up for the grey skies. i wish i had a digital camera. i'd show you pics of my apartment. it's rather cute. as time goes on, i'll do some decorating, really give it a homier feel. i like having to cook...well, that's what i say now. it's only sunday, after all...but it forces me to use my time better. i went into the cafeteria on friday to get a snack before heading out to buy groceries. i looked at the food and wondered how in the world i ever ate it six years ago! i bought a banana, thinking it would be a wonderful stomach was, by far, one of the worst bananas i've ever had. where are the bananas we eat in alberta from? banana land? even the bananas i bought aren't treating me right. they may all be allowed to turn brown and end up in the freezer for future banana bread!
i'm so thankful the campus isn't huge! i can walk 5 minutes to class, 2 minutes to church, etc. and i'm actually glad that i don't have my own computer at the moment because i need to take time to get everything else sorted out. still have a bit of unpacking and cleaning to do. that's what the rest of today is for!
what's fun about being here? it's actually fun to hear, "oh, you're dr. lawrence's daughter!" and see the looks on ppls faces. there's the "pleased to know you" look and the "i don't know how i feel about this" look. there's also the "i think you're royalty" look. i'm sure i'll get more as the days roll on. i don't plan to abuse my connections. i plan to continue having fun! with all the stress of school and work, i'll NEED as much fun as i can. why not start now?!
what's the best thing about being here? so far, it's knowing that i'm supposed to be here! praise the Lord!
till later...
anyway...the sun is finally out so i plan to do some rollerblading. it was my plan to do that as soon as i stepped on the campus thursday night. but it was raining and i was tired anyway. and it just keeps on raining. so i'm going to do some blading before the sky changes its mind.
it's very very green here. it almost (almost) makes up for the grey skies. i wish i had a digital camera. i'd show you pics of my apartment. it's rather cute. as time goes on, i'll do some decorating, really give it a homier feel. i like having to cook...well, that's what i say now. it's only sunday, after all...but it forces me to use my time better. i went into the cafeteria on friday to get a snack before heading out to buy groceries. i looked at the food and wondered how in the world i ever ate it six years ago! i bought a banana, thinking it would be a wonderful stomach was, by far, one of the worst bananas i've ever had. where are the bananas we eat in alberta from? banana land? even the bananas i bought aren't treating me right. they may all be allowed to turn brown and end up in the freezer for future banana bread!
i'm so thankful the campus isn't huge! i can walk 5 minutes to class, 2 minutes to church, etc. and i'm actually glad that i don't have my own computer at the moment because i need to take time to get everything else sorted out. still have a bit of unpacking and cleaning to do. that's what the rest of today is for!
what's fun about being here? it's actually fun to hear, "oh, you're dr. lawrence's daughter!" and see the looks on ppls faces. there's the "pleased to know you" look and the "i don't know how i feel about this" look. there's also the "i think you're royalty" look. i'm sure i'll get more as the days roll on. i don't plan to abuse my connections. i plan to continue having fun! with all the stress of school and work, i'll NEED as much fun as i can. why not start now?!
what's the best thing about being here? so far, it's knowing that i'm supposed to be here! praise the Lord!
till later...
Tuesday, April 25
hello world
i'm tired. i'd like to lay outside and sleep in the wind, soak up the sky. perhaps it'll fit in my pores....perhaps i'll remember it's face, be able to recall it during claustrophobic michigan days. but if nothing more, i'll remember that it made me smile.
that is, perhaps, the most poetic thing i've written in a long while. why did i stop writing poetry again? i have no idea. i was never that good at it. but i enjoyed it, enjoyed calling myself a poet. i think it helped me define myself at a time i needed a definition. c'est la vie n'est pas? from time to time we need definitions....
hello world...define this!
that is, perhaps, the most poetic thing i've written in a long while. why did i stop writing poetry again? i have no idea. i was never that good at it. but i enjoyed it, enjoyed calling myself a poet. i think it helped me define myself at a time i needed a definition. c'est la vie n'est pas? from time to time we need definitions....
hello world...define this!
Friday, April 14
au seminary
oh my oh my oh my
here is yesterday's mass email:
i'm in!
and now i'm sad i don't want to leave here....that may sound crazy but it's true. i should be happy coz i know i'm doing what God wants me to do. but right now, at 1:38 pm, i'm sad.
but on a happy note, let's take a look at the order of how things worked out:
i applied to andrews
i applied for a job at andrews
i applied for a student loan
i got my student loan
i got the job
i got accepted
mysterious ways.....
i start may 15. please keep me in prayer as the next month of my life is bound to be a bit crazy.
what's really cool is that the last three in my list happened on 3 consecutive days. april 11, 12, 13. i really like that part. it's as if God said, "now watch Me as I do some coolness." ta da!
"for i know the plans i think toward you says the LORD, plans to prosper not harm you, to give you an end and a future."
here is yesterday's mass email:
i'm in!
and now i'm sad i don't want to leave here....that may sound crazy but it's true. i should be happy coz i know i'm doing what God wants me to do. but right now, at 1:38 pm, i'm sad.
but on a happy note, let's take a look at the order of how things worked out:
i applied to andrews
i applied for a job at andrews
i applied for a student loan
i got my student loan
i got the job
i got accepted
mysterious ways.....
i start may 15. please keep me in prayer as the next month of my life is bound to be a bit crazy.
what's really cool is that the last three in my list happened on 3 consecutive days. april 11, 12, 13. i really like that part. it's as if God said, "now watch Me as I do some coolness." ta da!
"for i know the plans i think toward you says the LORD, plans to prosper not harm you, to give you an end and a future."
Monday, April 10
oh yeah!
i was backed by a jazz band lovely! i've never had this experience, not big band style. i messed up a few times...forgot when to come in. but oh well. folks probably didn't know. and hey, i only practiced with the band twice and one of those times i only practiced one song. so for that little practice time, i'd say this was quite brilliant :)
and from there, a few of us hung out at a friends place. a concert must always be followed by nice chill time with mint tea. ah. yes.
i've done a lot.... A LOT of singing lately. not sure why i haven't talked about it all yet. maybe this week as things have died down. it has all been an amazing time, a time that has reinforced what i already know....i need to do A LOT more singing! and while i'm at it, maybe make some money??
to bed...
i was backed by a jazz band lovely! i've never had this experience, not big band style. i messed up a few times...forgot when to come in. but oh well. folks probably didn't know. and hey, i only practiced with the band twice and one of those times i only practiced one song. so for that little practice time, i'd say this was quite brilliant :)
and from there, a few of us hung out at a friends place. a concert must always be followed by nice chill time with mint tea. ah. yes.
i've done a lot.... A LOT of singing lately. not sure why i haven't talked about it all yet. maybe this week as things have died down. it has all been an amazing time, a time that has reinforced what i already know....i need to do A LOT more singing! and while i'm at it, maybe make some money??
to bed...
Monday, March 27
filling in blanks
i don't have it all worked out just yet though i wish i did because then i could explain myself better and my experience could be a much more powerful day.
for now, while it's still pre 10pm, i'll say this: while on the "just a closer walk with Jesus" journey, it's important to not only pay attention to whether or not i'm actively connecting with Him through prayer and bible study but whether or not i'm actively paying attention to people, to immediate needs, and to resting in the everyday joy. examples of everyday joy are:
1. waking up
2. eating food that tastes good
3. cooking food that tastes good
4. having meaningful conversations
5. putting on comfortable clothes that look good
6. thanking God for sales
7. sharing God's blessings
till later...
for now, while it's still pre 10pm, i'll say this: while on the "just a closer walk with Jesus" journey, it's important to not only pay attention to whether or not i'm actively connecting with Him through prayer and bible study but whether or not i'm actively paying attention to people, to immediate needs, and to resting in the everyday joy. examples of everyday joy are:
1. waking up
2. eating food that tastes good
3. cooking food that tastes good
4. having meaningful conversations
5. putting on comfortable clothes that look good
6. thanking God for sales
7. sharing God's blessings
till later...
wear your heels!
today was the best sunday i've had in a very long time. it was just a great day period.
i woke up well rested, though desirous (as usual) of a little more time under the covers. the last two days found me feeling fluish--NOT GOOD! so saturday night i got to sleep earlier than usual and slept soundly and well...the covers hadn't moved much by morning. YAY!
anyway, once i finally got out of bed, showered, had devotions, ate, conditioned my hair (it's happier now) and other things here and there, the time soon came for my departure. departure? to where? to shop!!
let me set up the background for you to facilitate better understanding.
i don't particularly care for shopping. it's not some lovely thing i must do often. more often than not, i go shopping when i NEED something not simply when i WANT something. consequently, my shopping experiences can be a right pain because, more often than not, i don't find what i need very easily. so it's best that i go alone. going with friends or family only makes the experience more frustrating. can we leave yet? are you done yet? blah blah blah.
so i went alone to the metropolis 20 minutes away called red deer. i started at the southern most point planning to work my way all the way north. thankfully, time did not permit me to travel through all shopping areas....i probably would have been tired and faint by the end if i'd made it everywhere.
well, i went with a list in hand. i'd drafted the list before going so as to make my conscious fully aware of what my subconscious had in mind. ha. the list is quite imaginative and lovely. i knew i wouldn't get everything on my list today but i had hopes that a few things would be purchased. and i allowed myself the option of picking up things NOT on my list if, indeed, they fit the general scheme of things. and a lovely pair of flat, pointed, green slingbacks made it in! woohoo!!
yes, this was a really great shopping time. i didn't spend that much money. i actually got quite a few sales...always a bonus! and i left red deer feeling confident that i'd soon get all i need.
such a peculiar word. it's often the result of our dysfunction, our desire to be like/look like/sound like/etc someone else. so we purchase, purchase, purchase. i heard a couple of ladies in the changing room. one was trying on a dress that the other greatly admired. apparently it didn't fit perfectly but for only $25? why not? ha! that's how NOT to shop. that's how you rack up crazy debt. if the dress doesn't fit the way it's meant to fit then unless you're a fabulous seamstress or you know one who won't charge you, leave the dress in the store!
okay, i got off track there.
i'm realizing my need to focus on myself in certain areas. today reminded me of that when i slipped on my brown heels, shoes i haven't worn since probably july or so, shoes that remind me to look the way i enjoy looking. i enjoy good, clean lines and warm textures. i enjoy comfortable heals. i enjoy material that fits well and flows well. so why aren't i wearing those clothes more often? why do i reserve them for church or weddings or other "dress up" occasions? just because i don't have a 9-5 in the corporate world doesn't mean that jeans and a sweatshirt should be as good as it gets! why have i let myself go? did i ever have myself? have i ever been a consistent dressor? i don't know. nevertheless, it's time to take things up a notch...not so that i get flanked with compliments but it's amazing how a pair of heels (or anything that's truly you) can step things up mentally. seemingly all of a sudden, i'm about business again...and not just while i'm in the heels but after they're off and the sweatpants are back.
it's the process. i had hair issues. i talked them over with a friend. the friend diagnosed the problem as spiritual. i'll admit, i didn't believe that at first. but i allowed myself to process the possibility. could my God connection really be so jacked up that now my hair is an issue? yes. but it didn't happen overnight. i didn't wake up and suddenly have a hair issue. it resulted from years of misguided value judgments, faulty conclusions, unfortunate perceptions. and not just my hair because my hair affected my entire being. so from the top down, i had become detached from God's will for me in some very significant ways, ways i didn't think had any spiritual connection. hair? how can hair mess with spiritual wholeness? oh trust me! it can. it did. i hope it doesn't any longer. heels? oh yes! let's just say that when you pray for something and when that prayer is from a real desire, keep the prayer! don't get rid of the prayer just because it's not a matter of life and death. i know...i'm being a little vague here but trust me when i say that heels are significant, really really significant. i must keep my heels and i must wear my heels.
let me just state, however, that i'm not advocating shopping as pain medicine. shopping has been, for me, the result of growth. God actually doesn't mind if i look good. hmmmm, what a concept. (yeah, i've got issues)
when an organization is having troubles, we do our analysis from the top down. the same is true for ourselves. when we've hit a rough patch, we can't automatically run to the store, spend some cash and expect to feel better. first we check the head...not the hair...the brain. what's not functioning right? what thoughts are interfering with growth? as we ask and answer, we move from the head and work our way down. we may not have to hit on every single body fact, we may go from head to hair to heels...that's how it happened for me. but whatever the process, we must start at the top.
who's in charge at the top? me or God? and if He's truly Lord of my life, am i trusting Him in that position? am i listening? am i responding honestly? am i dealing with my dysfunction or am i simply medicating pain? ah, there's so much to write but i need to sleep. perhaps this should become a book. i think so. it'll be about how we have the power to create a false sense of wholeness through the very things we don't think have that much power. i have it all together now? nope! i'm still suffering from growing pains. but i'm seeing a lot of light now. my thoughts are better connected to what God wants me to do and where, and how, etc. and now i'm not so caught up in making my hair a symbol. instead, i'm just allowing it to grow. and i'm realizing that just like love should be expressed, good heals should be worn!
oh yes. today has been a very good day. : )
i woke up well rested, though desirous (as usual) of a little more time under the covers. the last two days found me feeling fluish--NOT GOOD! so saturday night i got to sleep earlier than usual and slept soundly and well...the covers hadn't moved much by morning. YAY!
anyway, once i finally got out of bed, showered, had devotions, ate, conditioned my hair (it's happier now) and other things here and there, the time soon came for my departure. departure? to where? to shop!!
let me set up the background for you to facilitate better understanding.
i don't particularly care for shopping. it's not some lovely thing i must do often. more often than not, i go shopping when i NEED something not simply when i WANT something. consequently, my shopping experiences can be a right pain because, more often than not, i don't find what i need very easily. so it's best that i go alone. going with friends or family only makes the experience more frustrating. can we leave yet? are you done yet? blah blah blah.
so i went alone to the metropolis 20 minutes away called red deer. i started at the southern most point planning to work my way all the way north. thankfully, time did not permit me to travel through all shopping areas....i probably would have been tired and faint by the end if i'd made it everywhere.
well, i went with a list in hand. i'd drafted the list before going so as to make my conscious fully aware of what my subconscious had in mind. ha. the list is quite imaginative and lovely. i knew i wouldn't get everything on my list today but i had hopes that a few things would be purchased. and i allowed myself the option of picking up things NOT on my list if, indeed, they fit the general scheme of things. and a lovely pair of flat, pointed, green slingbacks made it in! woohoo!!
yes, this was a really great shopping time. i didn't spend that much money. i actually got quite a few sales...always a bonus! and i left red deer feeling confident that i'd soon get all i need.
such a peculiar word. it's often the result of our dysfunction, our desire to be like/look like/sound like/etc someone else. so we purchase, purchase, purchase. i heard a couple of ladies in the changing room. one was trying on a dress that the other greatly admired. apparently it didn't fit perfectly but for only $25? why not? ha! that's how NOT to shop. that's how you rack up crazy debt. if the dress doesn't fit the way it's meant to fit then unless you're a fabulous seamstress or you know one who won't charge you, leave the dress in the store!
okay, i got off track there.
i'm realizing my need to focus on myself in certain areas. today reminded me of that when i slipped on my brown heels, shoes i haven't worn since probably july or so, shoes that remind me to look the way i enjoy looking. i enjoy good, clean lines and warm textures. i enjoy comfortable heals. i enjoy material that fits well and flows well. so why aren't i wearing those clothes more often? why do i reserve them for church or weddings or other "dress up" occasions? just because i don't have a 9-5 in the corporate world doesn't mean that jeans and a sweatshirt should be as good as it gets! why have i let myself go? did i ever have myself? have i ever been a consistent dressor? i don't know. nevertheless, it's time to take things up a notch...not so that i get flanked with compliments but it's amazing how a pair of heels (or anything that's truly you) can step things up mentally. seemingly all of a sudden, i'm about business again...and not just while i'm in the heels but after they're off and the sweatpants are back.
it's the process. i had hair issues. i talked them over with a friend. the friend diagnosed the problem as spiritual. i'll admit, i didn't believe that at first. but i allowed myself to process the possibility. could my God connection really be so jacked up that now my hair is an issue? yes. but it didn't happen overnight. i didn't wake up and suddenly have a hair issue. it resulted from years of misguided value judgments, faulty conclusions, unfortunate perceptions. and not just my hair because my hair affected my entire being. so from the top down, i had become detached from God's will for me in some very significant ways, ways i didn't think had any spiritual connection. hair? how can hair mess with spiritual wholeness? oh trust me! it can. it did. i hope it doesn't any longer. heels? oh yes! let's just say that when you pray for something and when that prayer is from a real desire, keep the prayer! don't get rid of the prayer just because it's not a matter of life and death. i know...i'm being a little vague here but trust me when i say that heels are significant, really really significant. i must keep my heels and i must wear my heels.
let me just state, however, that i'm not advocating shopping as pain medicine. shopping has been, for me, the result of growth. God actually doesn't mind if i look good. hmmmm, what a concept. (yeah, i've got issues)
when an organization is having troubles, we do our analysis from the top down. the same is true for ourselves. when we've hit a rough patch, we can't automatically run to the store, spend some cash and expect to feel better. first we check the head...not the hair...the brain. what's not functioning right? what thoughts are interfering with growth? as we ask and answer, we move from the head and work our way down. we may not have to hit on every single body fact, we may go from head to hair to heels...that's how it happened for me. but whatever the process, we must start at the top.
who's in charge at the top? me or God? and if He's truly Lord of my life, am i trusting Him in that position? am i listening? am i responding honestly? am i dealing with my dysfunction or am i simply medicating pain? ah, there's so much to write but i need to sleep. perhaps this should become a book. i think so. it'll be about how we have the power to create a false sense of wholeness through the very things we don't think have that much power. i have it all together now? nope! i'm still suffering from growing pains. but i'm seeing a lot of light now. my thoughts are better connected to what God wants me to do and where, and how, etc. and now i'm not so caught up in making my hair a symbol. instead, i'm just allowing it to grow. and i'm realizing that just like love should be expressed, good heals should be worn!
oh yes. today has been a very good day. : )
Thursday, March 23
i've been learning a lot, A LOT, of lessons lately. the growing pains absolutely stink but i'm thankful God has patience. the lessons are:
i should not allow my hair to mess up my subconscious and therefore control (limit) my behaviour unnecessarily
i should welcome the sense of urgency to live a life that pleases the Lord
i should put my immediate and extended family first as i witness
i should not use "tough luck" as a way to dismiss self improvement
i should be more in touch with my emotions
i should learn to cook well
i should not look at the world through boxing gloves...not everything's a fight
i should often shut up and really, really listen
i should not use silence as the measure of a man
i should often take the advice i give
okay, i'm going to stop there. coz i've also learned that i should go to bed by 10pm.
i should not allow my hair to mess up my subconscious and therefore control (limit) my behaviour unnecessarily
i should welcome the sense of urgency to live a life that pleases the Lord
i should put my immediate and extended family first as i witness
i should not use "tough luck" as a way to dismiss self improvement
i should be more in touch with my emotions
i should learn to cook well
i should not look at the world through boxing gloves...not everything's a fight
i should often shut up and really, really listen
i should not use silence as the measure of a man
i should often take the advice i give
okay, i'm going to stop there. coz i've also learned that i should go to bed by 10pm.
Wednesday, March 15
strange happiness
today i didn't get much work done because i was frustrated with a couple of hair was one of those things. i made the executive decision to stop wasting time working (i really wasn't accomplishing anything) and tackle my frustrations. so i did. and praise the Lord! victory!! well, not completely. but i'm definitely on the path to recovery.
i know, recovery is such a big'd think i'd been on drugs or something. but perhaps some effective parallels can be drawn here. any addiction has major consequences and what i'm realizing more and more is how much i've allowed my hair to be an addiction. i'm addicted to making sure it's not status quo. i'm addicted to making sure my hair is a symbol of rebellion against mainstream beauty standards. i'm addicted to.....and i'm sure i could add some more.
what i thought was a simple desire to care for my hair is soooooooooo much more, all of which i don't have time to get into at the moment. i'll end by saying this: i can't continue to allow my hair to define me the way it some sort of poster child/adult for natural strength, beauty, and a "real" sense of self. the last time i was this frustrated with my hair, i cut it off. that was 1998 and i was part of a radical natural hair movement among black girls at my school (even though i'd never had a relaxer. somehow my short fro gave women with relaxed hair encouragement to "go for the gold"....yeah, i thought naturalhood was gold. now i understand it to be simply another hair style. anyway...)
i'm loving this day, these strides. now i must sleep, get physical strength for tomorrow, rest my emotions from the rollercoaster.
thank you Jesus!
i know, recovery is such a big'd think i'd been on drugs or something. but perhaps some effective parallels can be drawn here. any addiction has major consequences and what i'm realizing more and more is how much i've allowed my hair to be an addiction. i'm addicted to making sure it's not status quo. i'm addicted to making sure my hair is a symbol of rebellion against mainstream beauty standards. i'm addicted to.....and i'm sure i could add some more.
what i thought was a simple desire to care for my hair is soooooooooo much more, all of which i don't have time to get into at the moment. i'll end by saying this: i can't continue to allow my hair to define me the way it some sort of poster child/adult for natural strength, beauty, and a "real" sense of self. the last time i was this frustrated with my hair, i cut it off. that was 1998 and i was part of a radical natural hair movement among black girls at my school (even though i'd never had a relaxer. somehow my short fro gave women with relaxed hair encouragement to "go for the gold"....yeah, i thought naturalhood was gold. now i understand it to be simply another hair style. anyway...)
i'm loving this day, these strides. now i must sleep, get physical strength for tomorrow, rest my emotions from the rollercoaster.
thank you Jesus!
Monday, March 6

it's helping me see my need for Jesus. yes, to some of you that's really really strange. but it's real.
baby steps.
Thursday, March 2
a highly profound thought just crossed my mind, one i'm sure you're dying to read! so here you go....
it's nice to live in a region of north america in which shapely white women reside. and i'm not talking about 50 yr old white women who've "let themselves go", i'm talking about 25, 28, 33 yr olds who exercise, eat well, sleep well, and wake up shapely and confident.
it's nice because it has relaxed me subconsciously. i've never been obsessed about whether or not my body is the shape and size of models or celebs. but i've had my share of body concern, not wanting to be skinny but being afraid to be too much more than lean. i've known for years that my ideas of beauty are more often than not socially constructed. i've known that the typical white, blonde, blue-eyed, model size female has been the standard i'll never be able to rise to and shouldn't have to. i'm quite alright being black-skinned, black-haired, brown-eyed, hair has long been the one thing that's set me apart from women both white and black.
but with all this knowledge, it's not till now that i'm most comfortable being me, not until my environment's changed to not reflect city strutters. and because i'm not in school, i'm not bombarded by wannabe, mimicky, insecure, false-representations-of self-via-fashion chicks...well, not usually.
all that is to say this: it's a shame that i'm still being defined by what i'm not. it has taken the presence of white shapely girls to make me feel comfortable in my black shapely skin....maybe one day i'll just be me, comfortably me....
it's nice to live in a region of north america in which shapely white women reside. and i'm not talking about 50 yr old white women who've "let themselves go", i'm talking about 25, 28, 33 yr olds who exercise, eat well, sleep well, and wake up shapely and confident.
it's nice because it has relaxed me subconsciously. i've never been obsessed about whether or not my body is the shape and size of models or celebs. but i've had my share of body concern, not wanting to be skinny but being afraid to be too much more than lean. i've known for years that my ideas of beauty are more often than not socially constructed. i've known that the typical white, blonde, blue-eyed, model size female has been the standard i'll never be able to rise to and shouldn't have to. i'm quite alright being black-skinned, black-haired, brown-eyed, hair has long been the one thing that's set me apart from women both white and black.
but with all this knowledge, it's not till now that i'm most comfortable being me, not until my environment's changed to not reflect city strutters. and because i'm not in school, i'm not bombarded by wannabe, mimicky, insecure, false-representations-of self-via-fashion chicks...well, not usually.
all that is to say this: it's a shame that i'm still being defined by what i'm not. it has taken the presence of white shapely girls to make me feel comfortable in my black shapely skin....maybe one day i'll just be me, comfortably me....
Wednesday, February 22
the day after

so last night was chill and a lot of fun. i've decided that mid-week parties are the way to go...why not? it seems there's never enough time with friends. you make time over the weekend, you run into each other in the store, you chat on the phone, you "im," you check up on each other via others....still, not enough time. but anyway, 27 is STILL good. thanks to wonderful family and friends, i had a lovely party with poppy seed lemon cake! forgot to make a wish...oh's probably better that way : )
i also got great friends are sooooooooo creative and fun! but it was the gift of time that mattered to me most. and these are some of the

and now, to prove that miracles still happen, we have snow, serious snow. honestly! we haven't had much yet this winter. the poor farmers may now breathe some relief. i have yet to frolic in it....maybe later on.

well, since i'm older now, let me make a list of things to look forward to: 1. STOMP this weekend, 2. getting my book published, 3. .....okay, this is harder than i thought. there are things to look forward to....i'm just a bit sleep deprived, you know, the usual...
till later....
Tuesday, February 21
watched "hoosiers" tonight.
such a lovely movie. it's a strange relief when you watch something that has no bad language, no sex, no hints at something nasty or unnecessary....just clean, healthy, fun.
tomorrow's my birthday.
what other unrelated thought can i throw in here?
i bought hockey skates!
such a lovely movie. it's a strange relief when you watch something that has no bad language, no sex, no hints at something nasty or unnecessary....just clean, healthy, fun.
tomorrow's my birthday.
what other unrelated thought can i throw in here?
i bought hockey skates!
Tuesday, January 31
it's been a year
since i've been blogging. lovely.
it's official....
"lovely" is one of my favourite words.
okay....must walk and sing and talk and smile.
it's official....
"lovely" is one of my favourite words.
okay....must walk and sing and talk and smile.
Sunday, January 29

lovely!!!! (no, that's not where i skated)
skating is enough like rollerblading that it wasn't hard. (it was my second time on the ice. the first time was about 7 years ago!) and the ice was smooth enough and the night was warm yet cold enough. and the sky was dark enough. and the pond was big enough. and the fire was warm enough. and the friends were enough.
it was a little piece of....yes....heaven. i'm pretty sure we'll be able to wade in a lagoon and skate on a pond in the same day :)
this is how to enjoy winter--GET OUTSIDE!
folks think i'm crazy when they see me out for my afternoon walk. yes, it's cold. yes, it's often freezing. but i've got just enough layers on and just enough determination to allow my legs the privilege of pounding pavement.
but i don't have enough life in these eyes to write more.
till later...
Wednesday, January 25
so much better
i realize that this could be short lived...if i let it. but regardless, i must document this moment. and as overused a phrase though it be, God is good!!!
i sang like my life depended on often does. music has a way of reaching me more than i think it reaches those i'm there to minister to.
ah. life's still good.
i sang like my life depended on often does. music has a way of reaching me more than i think it reaches those i'm there to minister to.
ah. life's still good.
Tuesday, January 24
i'm crying
because once again i'm tired of being tired. because i don't feel strong and though feelings only go so far i want mine to be positive. because in about four hours i'll sing for a revelation seminar and i'm not ready. because instead of singing words of encouragement i want to be sung to. because maybe in someone else's words, in someone else's voice, i'll get back that feeling
and i've stopped crying now
because i've taken the time to let these words out
but my head's exploding both from dry eye pain and tears
it's a double hurt
it's a double curse
i'd rather not be reminded
so often
that i'm breakable
that i'm blind
this is what i long for. moments of continuous tapping. letter after letter forming words, phrases, sentences, complete and fragmented. but i don't get enough. and when i do, like now, it's a stolen moment. i feel guilty. i shouldn't be here. i can't afford it. i should be working. i should be resting. i should be rehearsing. i should be praying. i should be somewhere else.
i have no words for guilt
i have no words for many things
i can't even accurately describe this moment. all i've got is "this sucks"....
and on that note, i'm off to walk through this and wave my fist at God. don't worry, He knows it's coming and He's ready to give me a piece of His mind. and i'm almost ready to listen.
thank God for feet.
and i've stopped crying now
because i've taken the time to let these words out
but my head's exploding both from dry eye pain and tears
it's a double hurt
it's a double curse
i'd rather not be reminded
so often
that i'm breakable
that i'm blind
this is what i long for. moments of continuous tapping. letter after letter forming words, phrases, sentences, complete and fragmented. but i don't get enough. and when i do, like now, it's a stolen moment. i feel guilty. i shouldn't be here. i can't afford it. i should be working. i should be resting. i should be rehearsing. i should be praying. i should be somewhere else.
i have no words for guilt
i have no words for many things
i can't even accurately describe this moment. all i've got is "this sucks"....
and on that note, i'm off to walk through this and wave my fist at God. don't worry, He knows it's coming and He's ready to give me a piece of His mind. and i'm almost ready to listen.
thank God for feet.
it's the same
i feel the way i felt with george w. won....the winds of change are upon us! the signs of the times continually show.
glad i couldn't me permission to gripe whenever i choose. because, of course, had i been allowed to vote, things would be different.
it's the same.
i'm still sleep deprived.
glad i couldn't me permission to gripe whenever i choose. because, of course, had i been allowed to vote, things would be different.
it's the same.
i'm still sleep deprived.
Monday, January 16
Thursday, January 12
not enough, not enough
i've desired this moment for days. and for days i've either had much to do or have lacked the sense to schedule this in making it nothing more than a passing thought.
ah. sadness.
and no, i didn't schedule it in today and i don't have a moment to spare really. i'm stealing from other responsibilities.
is this a responsibility? yes, even if only for my sanity.
(i'm feeling melodramatic)
good day world. wish i had more time to greet you. let us not be mere strangers for much longer.
okay, i'm tired. and i've got to go.
till later...may better words find me then...
ah. sadness.
and no, i didn't schedule it in today and i don't have a moment to spare really. i'm stealing from other responsibilities.
is this a responsibility? yes, even if only for my sanity.
(i'm feeling melodramatic)
good day world. wish i had more time to greet you. let us not be mere strangers for much longer.
okay, i'm tired. and i've got to go.
till later...may better words find me then...
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