I wish I could explain the happy state I’m in. but it’s much too late at night to even try. So I’ll just be thankful that I’m soooo happy. Perhaps it all boils down to time well spent with fun low-key people. I should definitely do that more often.
Okay. It’s 11:30pm. I’ve been up since 3:50somethingoranother…
yeah it’s a wrap
Thursday, May 31
Tuesday, May 29
bless the children
A darling little girl lives in my neighborhood and makes it her duty to ride her bike up to my window and say hello. Her eyes look through the glass, past the blinds, seeking out my face. Today she’s off to the garden. She knows there are beans growing there and she promises upon her return to let me know what else lives below and above the fertile ground. I would go out and talk to her but I’m afraid that soon she’ll start knocking. How silly am I! Her knock would be the most precious knock I’m sure. But I have to think beyond her darling presence to her parents who hardly know me and to the fact that such a friendly girl shouldn’t always be encouraged to befriend strangers, even harmless ones like myself.
It’s a cruel world, kid, and I don’t want you getting hurt. So I’ll keep my distance. I’ll continue to only talk to you from the window. And I’ll welcome your eyes anytime.
“I know who you are,” he said with that childish confidence that would have irritated me had I been 7 years old but instead endeared me to him. Following his statement were the seemingly rehearsed “yeah’s” of his sisters—apparently they knew me too. “How do you know who I am,” I responded with slight attitude and a smirk. “You go to the same school as my dad,” he clarified quite matter-of-factly. “And who’s your dad?” He gave me a name I didn’t know and that’s where our friendly banter ended as his mother came along smiling and he and his sisters got caught up in something else. Our time was up. No formal entry and no formal exit. He kept it simple—I know you.
What is it with children and knowing? Why are they so comfortable, so trusting in this place of transience? I’ve walked these steps before, grown accustomed to the stain of crab apples on the sidewalk during the summer and the smell of dairy cows so nicely dispersed by the autumn breeze. And who could forget the snow? But the bully who threw the crab apples at me is long gone, the cows have lost their aura, and I actually like most of winter.
Yet children still play and adults still ramble on about the lack of community among fellow believers and our need to reach out. So we form small groups with formal entries and formal exits.
I’d rather keep it simple—I know you and here’s how.
And a little child shall lead them if they would just pay attention.
It’s a cruel world, kid, and I don’t want you getting hurt. So I’ll keep my distance. I’ll continue to only talk to you from the window. And I’ll welcome your eyes anytime.
“I know who you are,” he said with that childish confidence that would have irritated me had I been 7 years old but instead endeared me to him. Following his statement were the seemingly rehearsed “yeah’s” of his sisters—apparently they knew me too. “How do you know who I am,” I responded with slight attitude and a smirk. “You go to the same school as my dad,” he clarified quite matter-of-factly. “And who’s your dad?” He gave me a name I didn’t know and that’s where our friendly banter ended as his mother came along smiling and he and his sisters got caught up in something else. Our time was up. No formal entry and no formal exit. He kept it simple—I know you.
What is it with children and knowing? Why are they so comfortable, so trusting in this place of transience? I’ve walked these steps before, grown accustomed to the stain of crab apples on the sidewalk during the summer and the smell of dairy cows so nicely dispersed by the autumn breeze. And who could forget the snow? But the bully who threw the crab apples at me is long gone, the cows have lost their aura, and I actually like most of winter.
Yet children still play and adults still ramble on about the lack of community among fellow believers and our need to reach out. So we form small groups with formal entries and formal exits.
I’d rather keep it simple—I know you and here’s how.
And a little child shall lead them if they would just pay attention.
Wednesday, May 23
thoughts from my cousin
End Thought: I would encourage everyone to do a marathon at least once. It, for some, can be truly life changing, and propel people to change themselves. Such is great, but you do not need to run marathons and climb mountains to transform yourself. That often under used, abused and misquoted book, The Bible, can do that for you. Go ahead, read it.
this is education---in uncompleted thought...
(i'm taking 2 summer classes at the moment)
this morning my prof said that the word "relationship" can't be found in the bible...not in the original languages, that is. instead, God uses the word "covenant" and such to describe what happens between Himself and humankind as well as between fellow humans.
this afternoon my other prof had us split up into groups and create the beginnings of a bible study. my group picked "God's forgiveness" as our topic and went on to create a list of "doables"--these are the action steps you want the person to take after going through the study. as we went through the doables i suggested that we ask the person to forgive someone who has wronged them in an effort to understand God's forgiveness. my classmate Kietrich kept emphasizing the use of scripture as the doable but i said we needed something in addition to that.
for my afternoon class i'm reading a book called concentric circles of concern. the very first chapter is about "relationships" and that if our horizontal relationships with others are out of wack, so is our vertical relationship with God. i also read that we must focus on our relationship with God primarily. this emphasis on God throughout the chapter was simple yet it helped me see myself more clearly.
i doubt the power of God's word to stand on its own two feet. i didn't know i doubted until i preached my first sermon last semester--i depended a lot on my own insight especially during the preaching moment. and my doubt was clarified once again today as i reflect on my need to figure out a doable that will go along with the bible...i seem unable to let the bible stand alone. after all, God created us with such great imaginations so why not dream up additional components?
let the word be the only word...this is part of my struggle.
...this is education
this morning my prof said that the word "relationship" can't be found in the bible...not in the original languages, that is. instead, God uses the word "covenant" and such to describe what happens between Himself and humankind as well as between fellow humans.
this afternoon my other prof had us split up into groups and create the beginnings of a bible study. my group picked "God's forgiveness" as our topic and went on to create a list of "doables"--these are the action steps you want the person to take after going through the study. as we went through the doables i suggested that we ask the person to forgive someone who has wronged them in an effort to understand God's forgiveness. my classmate Kietrich kept emphasizing the use of scripture as the doable but i said we needed something in addition to that.
for my afternoon class i'm reading a book called concentric circles of concern. the very first chapter is about "relationships" and that if our horizontal relationships with others are out of wack, so is our vertical relationship with God. i also read that we must focus on our relationship with God primarily. this emphasis on God throughout the chapter was simple yet it helped me see myself more clearly.
i doubt the power of God's word to stand on its own two feet. i didn't know i doubted until i preached my first sermon last semester--i depended a lot on my own insight especially during the preaching moment. and my doubt was clarified once again today as i reflect on my need to figure out a doable that will go along with the bible...i seem unable to let the bible stand alone. after all, God created us with such great imaginations so why not dream up additional components?
let the word be the only word...this is part of my struggle.
...this is education
Tuesday, May 22
Thursday, May 17
writing--just 10
it's 6:55 am.
i've been up for about an hour.
i've been reading through Paul's writings for a class.
now i want to linger a while and write and write and write because i promised God that i'd write more once i got this laptop.
but there's always some excuse like fatigue or the intensity of summer intensives. but i need to write whether i write lyrics or prose.
so that's what the next 10 minutes will be used for. just 10. just 10. i promise.
i've been up for about an hour.
i've been reading through Paul's writings for a class.
now i want to linger a while and write and write and write because i promised God that i'd write more once i got this laptop.
but there's always some excuse like fatigue or the intensity of summer intensives. but i need to write whether i write lyrics or prose.
so that's what the next 10 minutes will be used for. just 10. just 10. i promise.
Monday, May 14
home and music
i'm all for enjoying life. granted, i can't afford to be selfish about it all the time. but this past weekend reminded me that smiles are more important than money.
and once again i got to enjoy music...it wasn't a perfect performance (i really have no vocal stamina) but it was a blessing to do and people said they were blessed so yay!
and once again i got to enjoy music...it wasn't a perfect performance (i really have no vocal stamina) but it was a blessing to do and people said they were blessed so yay!
Wednesday, May 9
new job, new place
it's like....i don't know what it's like except that i'm so grateful...i'm not even giddy...just grateful. everything is beautiful in His time : )
now it's off to slumberville...with approximately 8 days till i sleep in a totally new space...
now it's off to slumberville...with approximately 8 days till i sleep in a totally new space...
Tuesday, May 8
happy almost birthday Justin!
good times were had by all. great summer salads, humas and pita...with ice cream and berries...a few "your mama" jokes...and the night ended with a quick set of Dutch Blitz! what more could you want? :)
one of my favourite parts of the pre surprise was when Justin said, "I need to mow my parent's lawn." my inner voice said, "don't freak out, play it cool, gently convince him that the grass doesn't need him tonight."
so, next year, same time, same place? haha
good times were had by all. great summer salads, humas and pita...with ice cream and berries...a few "your mama" jokes...and the night ended with a quick set of Dutch Blitz! what more could you want? :)
one of my favourite parts of the pre surprise was when Justin said, "I need to mow my parent's lawn." my inner voice said, "don't freak out, play it cool, gently convince him that the grass doesn't need him tonight."
so, next year, same time, same place? haha
Saturday, May 5
i really, really, really, really love music.
i mean i really, really, really, really, really love music.
i mean really!
Eau Claire Set
1. Be Thou My Vision/Precious Lord
2. Do You Love God--Ab
3. Come Holy Spirit--A
4. Love Made Music--F (original composition)
5. Give Me Jesus--F-G
i mean i really, really, really, really, really love music.
i mean really!
Eau Claire Set
1. Be Thou My Vision/Precious Lord
2. Do You Love God--Ab
3. Come Holy Spirit--A
4. Love Made Music--F (original composition)
5. Give Me Jesus--F-G
Tuesday, May 1
the blessings of Christian education
tell me why God keeps on giving me reminders that it's all about Him and not at all about me. tell me why God keeps on making it crystal clear that at the end of all my successes, i've done nothing without Him.
so, ladies and gentlemen who read this blog...i forgot my 2pm exam today. well, i didn't forget that i had a test in this particular class. what had happened was i wrote it down as taking place tomorrow from 10-12. i wrote it in my planner. if i write something in my planner, i remember it and nothing else. there was NO CHANCE that i'd think of walking into my exam today at 2pm.
at 2:30 i returned to my room for the library to get some nourishment. i checked my phone for messages and there was one that went a little something like this:
"Michaela, this is Dr. N. we hope you're okay. the test has begun. it's almost 2:30...."
so i walked right back outside in slight disbelief...slight because i'm not totally surprised that i made such a crazy mistake--it has been a crazy last few weeks. all i've wanted, just about every day, is to just sit and chill with friends or even watch a movie. now, i always want to spend time with friends...that's normal...but i hardly ever want to sit and watch a movie! that's how crazy it's been.
as i walked to the test i uttered "have mercy, Lord" several times and prayed that i'd have wisdom and patience as i took the test. "God, you're really going to have to help me recall a whole lot of stuff because we both know i have NOT studied!" "have mercy, Lord, have mercy!"
and on and on i pleaded until i entered the room. and i'm glad to tell you that i didn't fail that test. i dare say i may have even done "b" work! and that's nothing but God, nothing BUT God!!
and i've got nothing but love for my prof who actually calls absent test takers! have mercy!
so, ladies and gentlemen who read this blog...i forgot my 2pm exam today. well, i didn't forget that i had a test in this particular class. what had happened was i wrote it down as taking place tomorrow from 10-12. i wrote it in my planner. if i write something in my planner, i remember it and nothing else. there was NO CHANCE that i'd think of walking into my exam today at 2pm.
at 2:30 i returned to my room for the library to get some nourishment. i checked my phone for messages and there was one that went a little something like this:
"Michaela, this is Dr. N. we hope you're okay. the test has begun. it's almost 2:30...."
so i walked right back outside in slight disbelief...slight because i'm not totally surprised that i made such a crazy mistake--it has been a crazy last few weeks. all i've wanted, just about every day, is to just sit and chill with friends or even watch a movie. now, i always want to spend time with friends...that's normal...but i hardly ever want to sit and watch a movie! that's how crazy it's been.
as i walked to the test i uttered "have mercy, Lord" several times and prayed that i'd have wisdom and patience as i took the test. "God, you're really going to have to help me recall a whole lot of stuff because we both know i have NOT studied!" "have mercy, Lord, have mercy!"
and on and on i pleaded until i entered the room. and i'm glad to tell you that i didn't fail that test. i dare say i may have even done "b" work! and that's nothing but God, nothing BUT God!!
and i've got nothing but love for my prof who actually calls absent test takers! have mercy!
google: have mercy, Lord
i googled myself and found this. it is incredible on so many levels...read carefully.
how can we not do just what God has for us to do? talk about confirmation! and i don't need a NY Times best selling author to give me reassurance...i just need to write and watch God work.
have mercy, Lord!
how can we not do just what God has for us to do? talk about confirmation! and i don't need a NY Times best selling author to give me reassurance...i just need to write and watch God work.
have mercy, Lord!
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