it's been real fun but this chick is knackered!
(those were my words last night and i didn't get a chance to post them. i ended up going to bed really late in order to overcome my jet lag. these folks are 3 hours behind my regular zone. i slept till 5am and went back to sleep till 8am and now i'm fine...thank you very much.)
and now i'm sick :( i had a really milky milkshake today and the fact that i rarely drink cow's milk is probably what led to my present sick state where my belly shakes within and i want nothing more than to turn my insides out! argh!!!!!!!!!!!! bah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mama!!!!!!!!!!!!! belly role!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but on a happy note, i went shopping today, outlet shopping, very exciting shopping, good price shopping, good customer service shopping.
now let's talk about good customer service. it is so amazing here. even in grocery stores. people are kind. it's as if you're among friends. and i'm realizing that kindness is a great marketing tool...not that one should be kind merely to build business but it works. i'm encouraged to know that the manager is concerned about whether or not everything was okay as i exit the store and that he recognizes me an hour and a half later when i return (granted, i was 1 of 3 black people that i saw so he had to recognize me!)
anyway, it's sabbath now and i'm enjoying a peaceful evening of music. just sung through a couple of songs with my friend Chris. Justin, i know you're jealous...hehe. ah, memory lane. we sang "pray me home" and it really could have done with a 3rd part...(okay, i'm done with guilt's overrated anyway!)
tomorrow we'll sing for church and hopefully i won't be too lazy to whip out my camera and take a few pics. (pics and church really don't have any direct correlation; therefore, that sentence is a very bad one, just so ya know. and i'm leaving it so that we all remember not to construct weak sentences.) i have my point and shoot. it's only really worthwhile outdoors. and vineyards are outdoors. and vineyards are beautiful. and so is music...according to a song i know that someone not too far from here wrote not too long ago.
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