Monday, June 4

knitpicks and other unnecessary connections

i need to let go. my inboxes are evidence of is, perhaps, the reality that i have more than one inbox...3, in fact.

i don't knit often. maybe once a year. and when i do, i don't use a pattern and i use yarn that i already have on hand (of which there's plenty). so no, i don't need to get emails from so why won't i unsubscribe?

because i dream of the day when i patiently learn from a pattern and move beyond knit/purl scarves to more intricate neck warmers and hats and gloves and sweaters. how cool would it be to knit a sweater!

but is a listserve subscription going to yield actual dream fulfillment? i think not.

makes me wonder what more meaningful things i'm holding on to unnecessarily. i don't even want to wonder long.


A Million Miles: Day 1

even though i'm reading through the book a second time, so much of it feels new. thanks Donald Miller for a writing style that jives with my head.

five of us met today. before we got to the book, we spent a little time sharing stories of our own, moments in our times that we consider memorable. one conclusion: so much of what's memorable is either funny or perspective-altering. and as Miller writes, he includes random funny moments along with the perspective-altering as if the two happen side by side. and i suspect they do quite naturally. and i suspect i'm not brave enough to take part in enough of the funny (which was confirmed at a conference i recently attended where we were asked to think of funny stories to share with everyone and i couldn't think of even one, not even a lame one) and i don't allow myself to pay close enough attention to life to recognize enough of the perspective-altering kind (except for when they kick me in the pants so hard they can't be ignored).

i would like to pay closer attention to my life, not in a navel-gazing way but in a stop-and-smell-roses sort of way. and i would like to participate in more of the fun stuff which isn't easy for me because i like to be in charge of my life and many fun experiences that i could have are orchestrated by others.

oh life.


A Million Miles

this is like the after party, the space in which we write through later epiphanies or stuff we just didn't bother to bring up during our earlier discussion time.

if your two cents are on another blog, send the link to your post and i'll throw it up here.

if you'd like to simply email me your thoughts, i'll post them in full here.

all the posts related to this book will be filed just over there ---------> under "A Million Miles"...fancy that!

that is all.