Wednesday, May 17

quick update

i had a quiz in my church history class today. and i got 5 out of 5!

you may be asking "so what? that's 5 stinkin points...what's the big deal?"

listen, i came here to get an education and get it good. that means "A" grades. i's not a matter of salvation but the 5 not only represents the good grades i want but the fact that God has truly been blessing each step of the way. i haven't had as much time as i'd like to study simply because i'm tired and also have to work and cook and exercise and sleep. i was up at some horrible hour again today. i asked the Lord to wake me when He saw fit. as soon as i woke, i begged for more time...please Lord, just a few more minutes!! please!!! so He gave me a few more then woke me up again. by the time i actually got up, it was 4:30...yes, 4:30 AM!! i finished reading and studying for my daily quiz, unsure of just how much i'd retain, praying that i'd get everything right. God blessed! He helped me do my part--study--and He helped me recall (minor spelling errors not included)

the 3 i got yesterday will not do ever again! i'm shooting for the moon folks! the moon!! and God's right beside me reminding me that i'll be okay...even if i don't always get 8 hours : )

missing home but holding on....

1 comment:

Abs said...

Congrats on your quiz! I'm sure there's more of that success to come! Bravo sis!

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